
Powered by Flyflow

Flyflow offers fine tuning as a service. We proxy all of your GPT4 / Claude3 traffic, collect the responses, and use them to fine tune a smaller, faster, and cheaper model that matches GPT4 quality.

How it works

L'invite parfaite is a tool that allows engineers to specify the desired behavior of an LLM through a series of tests. Instead of manually writing prompts, users define the expected output, and our system iteratively rewrites the prompt to better fit the desired behavior. The tool also adapts the prompts to work optimally with the user's chosen model. The example parses JSON from job descriptions. Just hit run, and the system will iterate over the examples and craft the prompt!

System Prompt Template


Test 1

User Prompt
Ideal output

Test 2

User Prompt
Ideal output

Test 3

User Prompt
Ideal output